07-18-2010, 10:59 AM
Mike's a straight guy I see in the gym. I walked up to him about a year ago and told him I was part of a group that thought men's feet were sexy (he'd known I was gay for about 4 years). I asked if I could take some pics of his feet. He said, sure, but he didn't think his feet were "all that special." I demurred -- strongly.
This isn't a good photo, because I took it in the locker room in poor lighting conditions without flash (and I'm a photographer). He actually offered to put his foot up on the bench, but I said no, someone might come in just as we're doing this, and wouldn't you know? JUST as I snapped the non-flash photo, someone walked in. He just smiled shyly, and I said, we'll have to do this later. He didn't seem as though he'd say no, either! So, for now, this will have to do. I don't think this shows his feet as sexy as they are, but heck, given the number of shots with guys feet from 40' away I see here, this'll do.
This isn't a good photo, because I took it in the locker room in poor lighting conditions without flash (and I'm a photographer). He actually offered to put his foot up on the bench, but I said no, someone might come in just as we're doing this, and wouldn't you know? JUST as I snapped the non-flash photo, someone walked in. He just smiled shyly, and I said, we'll have to do this later. He didn't seem as though he'd say no, either! So, for now, this will have to do. I don't think this shows his feet as sexy as they are, but heck, given the number of shots with guys feet from 40' away I see here, this'll do.