05-22-2012, 03:36 PM
Hi, guys
Ran across this today on YouTube. I was looking for the Barefoot Investor...who is pretty cute, too. However, what I found was this Aussie student show on which he was a guest. The two hosts came barefoot for the interview. Not a LOT of foot shots, but one really good one of both guys when they tell him they came barefoot. Kinda hot. Enjoy!
http://m.youtube.com/ index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US
Ran across this today on YouTube. I was looking for the Barefoot Investor...who is pretty cute, too. However, what I found was this Aussie student show on which he was a guest. The two hosts came barefoot for the interview. Not a LOT of foot shots, but one really good one of both guys when they tell him they came barefoot. Kinda hot. Enjoy!
http://m.youtube.com/ index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US